Smile Sciences Teeth Whitening Kit Review
Today I have an unusual product to review 🙂 I’ve just received Smile Sciences Teeth Whitening Kit for testing – that’s exactly what I needed. I just have to tell you about it. So, the idea of Smile Whitening Kit is simple: you no longer need to go to dental offices and spend huge money on whitening – do it at home!
So, Smile Sciences Teeth Whitening includes:
- Top and bottom mouthpieces;
- Two three-milliliters syringes with a special composition for bleaching, which, according to information on the website, is approved by dentists,
- Two cotton buds with vitamin E (needed for treating the gums before the procedure),
- The light-generating device, which makes the above-mentioned composition work;
- A bar with a scale of shadows, which you can get in the end;
- A special pen that helps maintain the result.
That is how it looks like:
Smile Sciences Teeth Whitening kit instructions
How do I use this kit? As I already said, you should read the instructions carefully.
- First of all, you need to work with top and bottom mouthpieces. They are placed in hot water, then, when the material is slightly cooled, they are put in the mouth, so that the inner side of the mouthpieces takes shape of the teeth. In this case, the composition will contact the enamel in the closest possible way. After shaping, you need to fix it, placing the mouthpieces in cold water;
- Just before the procedure, you need to treat the gums with vitamin E – for this purpose, you should use cotton wands from the smile whitening kit;
- After this, fill the mouthpieces with a solution from the syringe, and place them in the mouth;
- To make the process more efficient, a “lighting device” is used. Turn it on using a power button on the front side.
Although my teeth are not ideal, I did not dare to try this kit on myself, because I do not have an acute need for whitening. Therefore, I tested this best teeth whitening kit on my friend who is not afraid of anything!:) She had tried whitening stripes and toothpaste but nothing worked. Well, I can say: we liked the result. First we gave the mouthpieces the desired shape, according to the instructions. My friend also has good enamel color, so she decided to do only one procedure. After twenty minutes of exposure the enamel REALLY became somewhat whiter, but during the procedure there were some unpleasant sensations, since the composition s not very tasty 🙂 A few days after the procedure, the teeth were more sensitive than usual, but then it was all right. The brightened shade of enamel is preserved even 2 weeks later, but bear in mind that my friend does not smoke and does not abuse coffee and tea.
Probably, it had to use test the smile whitening kit on more neglected teeth, but I did not have any more “experimental rabbits”, and that is a pity because I could use the kit for two weeks every day (according to the instructions).
I hope that my confusing Smile Sciences Teeth Whitening kit review will be useful to someone, but I will not give specific advice. First of all, I do not know exactly how your teeth will react to this remedy. And, secondly, I think you should consult a dentist before use!