10 Basic Makeup Beauty Tricks
Makeup has already become common activity for most women. But more often, women choose one style, use it dayily. Although there are so many techniques, so much that sometimes you can even get confused. I have chosen for you the best 10 basic makeup tips and tricks, which will help you to ease the routine.
Beauty Tips
Tip #1: High Quality Tools
Professional makeup tips share an opinion that tools quality is just as important as cosmetics. By improving quality of your brushes you will have an incredible look. This does not mean that you should buy all the brushes that you can find. But to my mind, you will have to buy the following tools:
- foundation brush;
- synthetic brush for concealer;
- round kabuki brush;
- angled blush brush;
- small brush for shading shadows;
- flat shadows brush;
- angled synthetic liner brush;
- angled eyebrow brush;
- sponges.
Tip #2: Primer + Foundation
Such a small beauty makeup tip will help give the skin a perfect tone, because foundation will be light and will not turn into a mask. But before applying such a mixture, primer should still be put on, this step is necessary for long-lasting effect.
Tip #3: Hide Your Skin Imperfections
The key to good makeup is realization that your skin is not perfect. Once you objectively look at your imperfections, you can hide them. Remember one of the main beauty tips & tricks – the opposite colors counterbalance each other. In order to remove redness, use a concealer of a green or yellow tone, orange-salmon shade helps get rid of bruises and dark under-eye circles.
Tip #4: Correct Face Shape
When we put on a foundation, it removes all the imperfections, but it also removes shadows from face. Therefore, they need to be returned back no to make face look like a mask. To do this, use contouring and highlighter means.
Tip #5: Eyes Enlargement
One of the best makeup tips and tricks says that visual eyes enlargement will help correct their shape. To do this,I recommend you to put on shadows of light color on entire eyelid, in fold of eyelid put shadows on 2-3 shades darker than the basic tone, under the brow it is necessary to put light shadows or beige concealer. Then it is necessary to apply light-reflective shadows to inner eyes corners, and to outside – shadows of a darker tone. Curling eyelashes and using volume mascara can also make your eyes appear bigger and more expressive.
Tip #6: Opposite Shades
This latest makeup tips and tricks have relation to eye color. I already wrote about eyeliner shade selection for eyes color. The same rules work with shadows. To make blue eyes brighter it is better to adhere to palette of brown, bronze and purple tones, for green – cobalt, dark emerald and bronze shades. Dark-blue and bronze shades are more suitable for brown eyes.
Tip #7: Using Eyeliner Correctly
Do not try to apply the liner with a single line, so you just will not get a neat line. It is better to carry out this procedure by sectors: first to outer corners of eyes, and then move to inner ones, or you can stop at the middle of growth line of the eyelashes (depending on eyes shape).
Tip #8: Proper Lip Makeup
To ensure that lipstick keeps for long long and your lips look attractive for long, learn how to properly put on a lipstick. To begin with, apply foundation on lips, then make a lips contour with a liner of the chosen shade. Shade the entire surface of lips with the same liner and apply lipstick. Blot lips on a tissue and put on a lipstick or lipgloss one more time.
Tip #9: Eyebrow Concealer
Scant eyebrows can be made thicker by means of a concealer. Put on a concealer to those places on eyebrows, where hairs do not cover skin. Then, start applying your eyebrow cosmetic: shadows, gel, etc. The concealer will help cosmetic tool stay better and longer.
Tip #10: How to Properly Hide under Eyes Circles
The most good makeup can be ruined by under the eyes dark circles, so they should be hidden. The correct technique for this zone hiding is called the Hollywood “V”. With the help of a concealer, make eye contour in form of “V”: from the outer to inner corner of eyes. Then, patting, shade concealer until reaching the center of the lower eyelid, where you need to shade more strongly, so that you can not see boundary between corrector and foundation.
Makeup Tricks for Beginners
Perfect appearance is a great plus for any woman. But not everyone knows how to make it properly. To properly use cosmetics, you need to learn makeup tricks for beginners, and only then it will be beneficial to emphasize all advantages and hide flaws. Correction of eyebrows, applying mascara and shadows, blush and gradual leveling of face tone – these are the basics that every woman should know.
To understand all the aspects, I’d like to you to watch the video where you will see how to become beautiful with cosmetic tools:
Realizing this step-by-step instruction, you will get daily makeup which is suitable for different business during the day. If you have a desire to try it, you have to read beauty makeup tip #1 where there is a list of cosmetic tolls you will need to create a perfect look.