Fresh Tinted Moisturizers
Foundation products – an absolute must-have for creating perfect make-up. If you imagine your face as a canvas, then foundation is the base, quality of application influences the whole picture. Therefore, it is natural that foundations have rather heavy textures, and many women do not use them, for fear of the «mask effect». This is especially noticeable in the spring-summer period.
During warm season, experts recommend to give up thick makeup base and switch to light textures, matting and moisturizing, not clogging pores.
And to women with combined and oily skin are generally advised to switch from foundation to loose powder. However, the problem is that powder is not able to mask imperfections well.
And then manufacturers of cosmetics came to the rescue, inventing essentially brilliant simultaneously moisturizing and toning means – tinted moisturizer.
Cream with toning effect is indispensable tool for spring-summer period, when high temperature makes use of normal foundation uncomfortable. Women want more light textures and minimum of layers of makeup on their face. In this case all dermatologist recommended tinted moisturizers instead of foundation means.
Many people confuse moisturizer creams with toning effect with foundations. To answer the question: what’s tinted moisturizer, one can recall favorite method of professional make-up artists – mixing moisturizing and foundation means.
Cream with toning effect – in fact, a normal day moisturizer, but containing a small amount of tone, that is, this is 2 in 1 means. Agree, a convenient thing for a vacation, when you do not want to overload luggage with extra jars and bubbles!
Foundation vs. Tinted Moisturizer
Similarities and differences of familiar to all of us foundation and moisturizer with toning effect, and why you should pay attention to toning means:
- Foundation actively «hides» all imperfections, redness, pimples, or irritation on your face, covering them with an even layer, can clog pores and lead to additional imperfections, especially in the summer. Tinted moisturizer very qualitatively moisturizes skin, and leaves pores open, allowing the skin to breathe.
- Usual base is often visible on skin, and if for a person has no experience it may still seem that the skin is just smooth, any girl will immediately «see» it. Cream with toning effect is not visible at all, it simply gives the skin healthy look and smoothness.
- Makeup tinted moisturizer can save you from having to use two products at the same time, as applying makeup every morning, you first moisturize skin with a simple care product, and only then apply foundation. The new product does not require pre-care, since this cream itself is both toning and moisturizing at the same time.
- Often, on a hot summer morning, it is strange to go out with several layers of makeup toning base, it is more suitable for evening make-up, especially if it has oily or viscous base. Tinted moisturizer has lighter consistency, it is weightless and volatile, and it seems that the skin has simply acquired natural charm.
In addition, tinted moisturizers are not a new invention at all, and cosmetologists and makeup artists have long been using this product, although in fact, such creams have appeared on the market quite recently. How did it happen? Very simple, in fact, to lighten texture of foundation, make-up artists, without thinking twice, add to it a quality moisturizing or nourishing cream.
This allows them, like artists, to choose independently, what saturation, density or consistency they need, to achieve the most-natural effect. This is what prompted scientists the idea of creating a new tool that could be used not only by professional specialists, but also by every woman or girl at home.